Ohio Amish Library
at Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center
Amish Newspapers
The Ohio Amish Library has partnered with The Budget, Sugarcreek, Ohio, Die Botschaft, Millersburg, PA, The Diary, Kirkwood, PA, and the Holmes County Farmer/Republic/Farmer Hub, (1843-2010) Millersburg, Ohio to digitize their newspapers. Using the latest scanning and photography methods, the paper is digitized from the original copies and are fully searchable. The Budget is available from 1890 to present, Die Botschaft from 1975 to present, and The Diary from 1969 to present.
The newspapers contains articles from Amish/Mennonite communities through-out the Americas. Excellent source for Amish, Mennonite, local births, marriages, deaths and numerous other bits of information concerning your ancestors.
Now available at the library for your research. Out of town? Email us with your info for a quote to have the research done by our talented staff.

Personal Collections
Christian Schantz (1828-1910) Collection A collection of over 225 German letters, documents, maps, and books, mainly from Basel, Switzerland to America. Most of them were written by members of the Amish/Mennonite church of Basel. The letters were written from 1853 to 1909. Following is a list of a few people who wrote to Christian Schantz:
Christian Rich (1827-1895)
Daniel Rich (1833-1906)
John Rich (1824-1893)
Eliza Schantz (1835-1913)
Joseph Schantz (1837-1910)
Joseph Kaufmann (1829-1920)
Additional research available on families of: Christian Stucky (1793-1873), Mary Richer (1807-1902), Mary Wenger (1836-1911), Jacob Wenger (1802-1883). Also on Beeson, Benson and Medlen families. Key Words: Bruglingen, Fulton County, Ohio, Philips County, Kansas.

The Library has a nice collection of Family bibles used by Amish and Mennonites. The master piece of our collection is the 1531 Zurich Bible, also known as the Froschauer Bible, which was once owned by Amish man John Holly. We have many German Luther Bibles and Testaments. Many Bibles contain Family genealogies and other bits of useful information for modern researchers.

Library Displays
We are in the same building as The Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center (Behalt). Please see our displays in our main showroom. Included are well-known Amish historian Leroy Beachy’s display of his collections of Ausbunds, (Amish song books) and his collection of Martyrs Mirrors. Some of the other displays open to the public include a history of the Amish newspaper, The Budget, Amish lanterns, Amish men and women’s head coverings, an 1896-time capsule from the local Walnut Creek Reformed church, and individualized artwork of Behalt Cyclorama painter Heinz Gaugel.
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Our collection focuses on Amish, Mennonite, and Anabaptist related materials.